This form calculates which transits of the 4376 known
transiting exoplanets or 7423 TESS Objects of Interest
(TOIs) are observable from a given location at a given time. Specify
a time window, an observing location (either an observatory from the
list or choose "Enter latitude/longitude" at the end of the list),
and optionally any filters (e.g. minimum transit depth or elevation).
The output includes transit time and elevation, and links to further
information about each object, including finding charts and airmass
plots. (There are also stand-alone pages for generating finding
charts (annotated
JPGs or using Aladin Lite) and airmass plots for any target.)
October 2022: Aladin finder charts now use Gaia DR3 data, and
show Gaia variable star and eclipsing binary candidates.
October 2022: You can now plan your night of observing by selecting
the transits you plan to observe, which will hide any events that
overlap with the selected event(s) (taking into account the
out-of-transit baseline),
leaving only those that don't overlap. Use the checkboxes next to
the object name.
This page uses input ephemeris data from the NASA Exoplanet
Archive and ExoFOP-TESS.
The finding charts provided here make use of images from the Digitized Sky
Survey, which are subject to copyright, and can be acknowledged like this.
tool is part of the Tapir
package for planning astronomical observations; the source code is
freely available.
This page was created by Eric Jensen.
Feedback welcome! Send here.